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Hypothesis 1. As a poikilothermic species, Daphnia should experience a rise in heart rate with each increase of temperature (Q10 ;., 1). 2. Ethanol has o depressant effect on many organisms, and it is expected that with each increase in concentration, heart rate will decrease (Q10 $ 1). Results The temperature coefficient was calculated as Q10, where the reaction rate (R) increases for every set increase in temperature. This was derived using the equation Q10 = R, , where R2 is the heart R1 rate in bpm, measured at the next increase in temperature from that immediately preceding it (R1) and results were tabulated for temperature (tab 1) and ethanol (tab 2). Table 1. Mean heart rate (R) for measured temperatures (T) with calculated a10 coefficient T ("C) 20 25 30 35 40 R (bpm) 207.00 202.50 141.50 55.00 115.50 Error 11.70 11.03 6.70 15.07 15.59 Q,o 0.98 0.70 0.39 2.10 Daphnia were cultured at zooc, with a control group having a mean heart rate of R=161.6±10.55 bpm. The mean heart rate at temperatures zooc and zsoc were much higher than that of the control group. With each increase in temperature of soc there was a decrease in mean heart rate, most severely at temperatures of 30oC and 35°C, reflected in the temperature coefficient at these levels (Q10=0.70 and Q10=0.39 respectively), with the exception of mean heart rate at 40°C (R=115.50±15.59 bpm; Qw=2.10). The severity of this descent is graphed below (fig 1), demonstrating the slight recovery at 40°C.

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  • Uploaded By : admin
  • Posted on : August 13th, 2019