University : RMIT University UniLearnO is not sponsored or endorsed by this college or university.
Subject Code : BUSM2449
Country : Australia


For this assessment, you are to assume the role of an HR director at a multinational enterprise (MNE). You’ve identified the need to develop a global mentoring program for employees across all international offices. You are to write a report to senior management detailing the business need for and purpose of the program, how the program will be structured and which employees the program will target.


The purpose of this assessment is to develop your capacity to apply international HRM concepts and literature to address current HRM issues and challenges in multinational organisations. It should expand your capability to justify the use of organisational resources to create opportunities to make positive changes in organisations. The assessment will also develop your ability to write professional reports for management about a specific issue, which is a key skill in contemporary professional practice.

What do you need to deliver?
• 1 x Report (2,000 words)
• MS Word (or similar)
Supporting materials
You can find tutorials on how to write reports at the RMIT Learning Lab.

Course learning outcomes

This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes:

Assess the impact of international HRM strategy and practices on organisational goals, structures and concerns.

Apply relevant international HRM theories and concepts in managing people in an international environment.

Marking criteria
This assessment will measure your ability to:
• justify the business need for a global mentoring program (8 pts)
• design a mentoring program that addresses the challenges of an organisation (16 pts)
• research and reference material to support your mentoring program (12 pts)
• create a report to a professional industry standard (4 pts).

  • Uploaded By : admin
  • Posted on : April 05th, 2023
  • Downloads : 1205