While duly adhering to our copyright protection program; which is in strict compliance with DMCA Guidelines, we have taken and continue to take appropriate measures for the protection of the material on our website from any kind of Copyright Infringement or violation. This includes infographics, text, images and sound files.

This website contains infographics, text, images, and other creative materials including sound and video files, which are being protected by copyright/s and/or other intellectual property rights/s.

Procedure to report copyright infringement:

As stated above, we do not completely own all of the matter published, issued and demonstrated on our website. Therefore, we do not possess the copyright for all the graphics, illustrations, pictures, text, sound or other material published on our website. Through our academic portal, we have tried to create a fair and transparent academic platform that bestows equitable-access to all students. In conformity with the vision of our company, we encourage public-spirited and altruistic contributions from Academic scholars, students and other contributors. Since a major portion of the study material on our website is crowd-sourced and owned by individual contributors, it is an arduous task to keep a track of any falsification, misrepresentation or appropriation. We request our users to get in touch with us at info@unilearno.com upon observing any case of copyright infringement.

Submit Content Take-Down Notice

With respect to the guidelines issued by DMCA, if you come across any material published on our website that as per your understanding is violating copyright privileges in any which way, we will swiftly assist you in resolving your concerns.

You will be required to send us the domain URL of the page on our website (https://www.unilearno.com/contact-us) that you have/may deem as violating any copyright law and the original source/accreditation of the content in concern. Our team will immediately take cognizance of any instance of copyright violation, falsification, misrepresentation or appropriation and immediately initiate the process to issue a take-down notice against the violator.

All communication with respect to issues concerning copyright violations must be sent to (info@unilearno.com)

All copyright and other intellectual property rights in the aforementioned creative material are either owned by legal business ownership or have been licensed to UniLearnO by the original owner(s) of those intellectual property rights. UniLearnO has the requisite copyright on all Information, images, text, infographics and sound. Additionally, all trademarks demonstrated on this website are owned by UniLearnO. The company further reserves the right to permit its affiliates to use its trademarks under the required licenses subject to renewal from time to time.

Our Copyright infringement policies are in compliance with the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. As per the provisions of the DMCA, The users of this website are expressly directed not to Copy (by means of copying off onto another web page, storing on any other electronic medium or downloading in any format), distribute, display, or broadcast the material from our website in any way.

Kindly note that these stipulations shall pertain to all the material on the web

  • As per the Fair use policy of the DMCA, the users are prohibited from reproducing, duplicating or sharing any substantial information on our website to alter, edit or reconstruct such information for the purpose of re-using all or part of it. The DMCA also forbids the imitation or change of any section of the website for financial gain.
  • The users are also forbidden from utilizing the material data posted on the website by revising or including them in any other work, statement or website, in hard copy or computerized composition.
  • The users are also stringently advised against expelling any copyright, patent, trademark or other intellectual property notice on any material, text, graphic or sound posted on this website.
  • The Failure of UniLearnO to assert upon or implement the stringent enforcement of any provision of these terms and conditions will not be construed as a relinquishment of any provision or right.

Policy against persistent violators:

Any users observed to be in consistent breach of our “terms of use” shall be excluded and prohibited from using our services. Further Violation will call for stern action as per the relevant legal provisions. We are dedicated to designing a reliable educational assistance mechanism for learners. We anticipate the cooperation of our patrons and users in our effort to build an upright and open database of study material to assist students and academic scholars in their academic endeavours.